Blessed & Broken, Thankful & Tired

Blessed & Broken, Thankful & Tired By: Adrienne DeSutter The holiday season is filled with joyful moments of excitement and love. The sights, the sounds, the smells; it’s a magical time full of surprises and happiness. But the holidays can also be overwhelming. Daunting to-do lists, exhausting travel plans,...

Action Request

The Environmental Protection Agency is seeking comments on its proposed interim registration review of glyphosate. Glyphosate is a valuable tool for farmers to manage weed growth, improve crop yields, and support conservation-based practices. The loss of glyphosate would present a significant challenge to farmers. It is crucial that farmers...

Irving Resident Receives IFB Scholarship

Megan Tuetken, Irving, is the recipient of a $4,000 scholarship from the Illinois Farm Bureau Rural Nurse Practitioner Program. The scholarship program helps encourage and develop the pool of rural health practitioners to help meet primary care needs in rural Illinois.  Students who receive scholarships agree to practice in...

When Stress is More than a Season

By: Adrienne DeSutter Raise your hand if this spring was one of your most stressful planting seasons. Did you notice that it rained a little? Even before the imperfect conditions, farming has been listed as one of the most stressful occupations. Regardless of the torrential rain, the trade war,...