Montgomery County Farm Bureau is asking for donations of new/unused N95 masks. Our local hospitals are in great need of them at this time. These are generally the same masks that farmers often use when cleaning out bins. To help keep our medical personnel safe, as well as the patients they are in contact with, we are asking that farmers who have a few extra masks consider dropping them off at the Montgomery County Farm Bureau office at 102 N Main St – Hillsboro, IL. The drop off will be Thursday, March 26 from 9 – 11am. They will then be delivered directly to the local hospitals in Montgomery County. N95 masks will look similar to this image but may come in a variety of colors and options.
Your safety when delivering masks is critical to us. Therefore, a box will be located just inside the front entrance of our office where you can simply open the door and drop them off. Due to the shelter in place order, we ask that you only get out to drop off masks if you feel your trip is considered essential travel and you are not suffering from illness. That decision will be at your best judgment. Thank you for whatever part you can do for those helping keep us safe during this challenging and unprecedented time.