Breakfast With County Board-Mayors-State Legislators

The Montgomery County Farm Bureau of Directors hosted members of the Montgomery County Board, county officials, mayors and village presidents from throughout the county and state legislators to a breakfast at 7:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 14, before the monthly county board meeting. Farm Bureau President Jay Niemann below introduced...

Jobs Fair a Success

The first annual Jobs Fair with Montgomery County Farm Bureau & Lincoln Land Community College was a huge success. The following companies participated in the Agriculture based job fair: FSA   (Farm Service Agency) Brandt Consolidated Midwest Tractor Sales Midway Trailer Sales   Borgic Hog Farms McKay’s Napa Auto Parts...

Jobs Fair

    Agriculture Based Jobs Fair Sponsored by Montgomery County Farm Bureau® and Lincoln Land Community College March 17, 2017 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. At the Montgomery County Farm Bureau Building 102 North Main Street Hillsboro, Illinois 62049 (West side on the Court House Square in Hillsboro) For more details...